Friday, 18 November 2011

Eggs are useful to stay alert at work

Eggs have  protein found in the white , can help one stay awake and feel alert at work. Eggs protein are much more effective than carbohydrate found in the chocolates.The Researcher at Cambridge university found that the nutrients affect the brain cell that keep us awake are similar to the protein content of egg.The egg protein activated this cells and triggering the release of the stimulant orexin. The type of cholesterol found in eggs has minimal effect on raising the risk of heart disease.

Rifle with camera

This rifle is invented by Matthew Hagerty, it includes camera positioned with back of rifle. It works as a third eye. with the help of this camera soldier can see corner and back without putting themselves on a line of fire and a small or tiny display monitor gives the video images on the glass of the soldier. The tiny monitor receives video transmission from the small computer which is attached to the vest of the soldier. Weight of the whole device is 3 pounds.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Marine Friendly Tidal Energy Turbine


 W. Scott Anderson invented an marine friendly tidal energy turbine. By profession he is an industrial engineer. It has a spiral –shaped device that has tapered ends. When the current spins the auger, it induces a hydraulic pump in the nosecone of the device to pump high pressure oil that turns a generator outside of the water. The tampered ends of device not harm fishes in water. In comparison to the other costly windmill turbines that converts tidal energy into electricity harmless to marine life.

Respiratory System

 The respiratory is the anatomical system in organism. In this system gases molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged through diffusion between the gaseous external environment and the blood.

Respiratory system divided into two parts.
1. Upper respiratory tract.
2. Lower respiratory tract.

Parts of upper respiratory tracts

1.Mouth, nose, nasal cavity.
2. Pharynx.
3. Larynx.

Parts of lower respiratory tracts

1. Trachea
2. Bronchi.
3. Bronchioles
4. Alveoli
5. Diaphragm

Air is full of harmful substance and chemicals. It includes mold, fungi, dust bacteria and pollutants. Particles only 3 to 5 microns in size reach in deep lungs. There are various ways to protect the respiratory system against the harmful particles. The particles travel through mouth and airways where the tiny hairs are located. These tiny hairs are called cilia. Those unwanted particles reach to digestive system through mouth kills by the digestive fluid of the stomach. If unwanted substances do reach the lungs, there are also little mobile cells, called phagocytes, which defend your respiratory tract. If unwanted particles such as virus or an infection is present then body release more white blood cells, including neutrophils which destroy the unwanted particles in the lungs.

Rare meteorite found in Missouri

A rare meteorite found in Missouri in 2006. Meteroite is  space rock. The 19 other pallasite had been found by the united state before the meteorite. Space rock as a rare type of pallasite meteorite is first identified by the geochemist Randy Korotev of Washington University in St. Louis with his colleagues.

70 million year old nest of dinosaurs

Researchers found the 70 million  years old nest of dinosaurs.15 dinosaurs all show juvenile characteristic concluded by the researcher.All dinosaurs have large eyes and don't have any adult characteristics like large frills associated with adults of this species and prominent horns.out of 15 fossil sets atleast 10 are complete, according to a paper in the latest Journal of Paleontology. Researchers believe that the sand entombed the family of dinosaurs when they are alive.

KG5 Drug the "Wonder drug"

KG5 drug blocks the function of proliferation and the malignant cells commit suicide when they cannot multiply said by the international team.led by University of California.Scientist claim that this "wonder drug" which kills off cancer in fact it could wipe out some of the most deadly forms of the disease ,the  "nature medicine" journal reported.
             A cancer growth protein, an enzyme known as RAF, its role in cell division -critical to cell proliferation and tumour growth. The entire shape of protein changes by the KG5 drug with out any leading side effect.KG5 drug proved effective in tests against pancreatic, breast and kidney cancers.The KG5 tested on patients tissue and animals.

Grasshopper Robot

                                          CREDIT: Alain Herzog, EPFL
Its an amazing Grasshopper robot its weight is 7 gm and jumps 320 times in 3 seconds of charging. It jumps 3 cm long.It is invented by researchers at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.

The solar cell can also be used in these robots which are helpful to exploration of remote areas on other planet.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Launch Video of NASA Stardust Satellite

On Feb. 7, 1999, the Stardust spacecraft was launched to capture cosmic particles and return them to Earth. The satellite returned on Jan. 15, 2006.

Essential Vitamins for life

Natural vitamins are those organic food substances which are found only in plants and animals, i.e., living things. The body is not able to synthesize or manufacture vitamins (although there are a few exceptions to this). Because of this, they must be supplied either directly in the diet, or by way of dietary supplements. Vitamins are vital if our body is to function normally. They are absolutely necessary for our growth, general-well being and vitality.
Vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. This is why it is suggested that vitamins must be taken with a meal. They help to regulate the body's metabolism, assist in forming the bone and tissue, and help convert fat and carbohydrates. However, one must remember that vitamins cannot replace food.

We shall now look at the importance of each of the vitamins by turn.

Vitamin A
  • Repair & growth of body tissues
  • Protects mucous membrane of mouth, throat, lungs and nose
  • Helps maintain smooth, disease-free skin
  • Counteracts night blindness
  • Reduces risk of lung and certain types of oral cancers
Vitamin B1
  • Aids in digestion of carbohydrates
  • Essential to the normal working of the nervous system, heart and muscles
  • Stabilizes appetite
  • Promotes growth
  • Generates energy
Vitamin B2
  • Aids in formation of red blood cells and antibodies
  • Essential for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
  • Promotes general health
  • Necessary for the maintenance of good skin, nails, hair and good vision
  • Maintains cells respiration
Vitamin B6
  • Building blocks of protein
  • Necessary for synthesis and breakdown of amino acids
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Aids in production of antibodies
  • Reduces muscle spasms and leg cramps
  • Helps maintain a proper balance of phosphorous and sodium
Vitamin B12
  • Prevents anaemia by helping in formation and regeneration of red blood cells
  • Necessary for fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism
  • Increases energy
  • Promotes growth in children
  • Maintains healthy nervous system
  • Helps metabolize sugar, fat and protein
  • Reduces high blood pressure
  • Improves circulation
  • Reduces cholesterol level
  • Increases energy
  • Helps maintain healthy digestive system
Panthothenic Acid
  • Aids in the utilization of vitamins
  • Helps in cell building
  • Aids in development of the central nervous system
  • Fights infections
  • Participates in release of energy from carbohydrates
  • Promotes health
  • Aids in the utilization of folic acid, protein, Vitamin B12 and Panthothenic Acid
Folic Acid
  • Essential for the formation of red blood cells
  • Aids in the metabolism of amino acids
  • Necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA
  • Aids in breakdown of fats
  • Helps prevent thinning hair
  • Helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels
  • Necessary for the formation of lecithin
  • Prevents fat from accumulating in the liver
  • Helps improve memory
  • Important in controlling cholesterol and fat build up
  • Facilitates movement of fats in cells
  • Important in nerve transmission
Para Amino Benzoic Acid
  • Aids in formation of red blood cells
  • Contains sunscreen properties
  • Returns hair to its natural colour
  • Aids in the assimilation of Panthothenic Acid
  • Produces folic acid, this aiding healthy bacteria
Vitamin C
  • Helps heal wounds, scar tissue and fractures
  • Essential for healthy bones, teeth and gums
  • Builds resistance to infection
  • Prevents scurvy
  • Gives strength to blood vessels
  • Aids in absorption of iron
  • Is essential for the synthesis of collagen
Vitamin D
  • Required for bone and teeth formation
  • Improves absorption and utilization of Phosphorous and Calcium
  • Maintains stable nervous system
Vitamin E
  • Retards cellular aging because of oxygen
  • Alleviates fatigue by supplying oxygen
  • Prevents and dissolves blood clots
  • Helps in preventing sterility
  • Aids in bringing nourishment to cells

By: Olivia Harding

Article Source: - Free Website Content

Bug Detectors

These days it's almost impossible to walk in some public place without being caught on camera. Markets, small shops, museums or banks, all use surveillance cameras for protection. CCTV surveillance has grown significantly over the last decade and this growth doesn't seem to stop.

However, security cameras for surveillance may not only be used in public places. You might not even expect that, but even in some private areas, like changing rooms, showers or hotel rooms, spy cameras might be waiting to catch you.

Such illegal activities are prohibited, but not everybody obeys the rules. There are many people who'll want to spy on you in private areas without even considering your rights to privacy. In such cases, a spy bug detector can help you protect yourself from being caught on hidden cameras.

Why Bug Detectors are Useful?

First, let's try to find out what a bug detector actually is. A bug detector is anti surveillance device that is used to capture various spying gadgets in the area. Bug detectors come in many shapes and sizes and functions.

Small bug detectors might be used to track audio bugs in the phones or near the phones. Larger bug trackers, measuring the size of a briefcase, can track spy cameras, audio spy equipment and have much more functions than smaller ones. Of course, such detectors cost more also.

Technologically more advanced bug detectors not only allow you to detect any bugs in the room. They can also "steal" the RF signal and display what the security camera sees. If the CCTV cameras don't use any signal encoding, then such spy cam bug detectors will easily display you the wireless camera's view.

How a Bug Detector Works?

Let's try to briefly cover how a bug tracking tool works.

Wireless devices, like spy cameras or even computer networks, work by sending radio signals from one location to another. Such signals are called RF, which refers to "Radio Frequency". Such devices use RF signals to communicate with the receivers. Now a bug detector simply scans the whole room or office for such radio signals and reports to you when it detects anything.

One note here. If you're doing surveillance in your house, then turning off some wireless devices, like cell phones could be a good idea. This is just to help you better track and spot bugs or spy cameras in the room.

Frequency Range

Usually, bug detectors operate in 2GHz or 3Ghz frequency range. Now, most spy devices also operate in this range, so there are no problems spotting a bug in that range. However, some (more sophisticated) spies will change the frequency of a bug to a higher level, like 4GHz or 6GHz. Then, a common bug tracking device won't be able to catch any frequencies, but a more advanced solution will do the job...

There are powerful bug detectors for private investigators; or the ones that police use, which can detect RF signals even up to 9GHz. They cost more, but they'll spot any bug in the room without problems.

Can Surveillance Bugs Spot Wired CCTV Cameras?

Most bug detectors are able to track almost any wireless spy device that uses RF signals. Be it a wireless mini hidden camera, a phone bug, or a blue tooth spy cam...

But, detecting hard-wired cameras was a little problem. It's simply because they don't use radio frequency signals to transmit data between the transmitter and a receiver. Now, powerful bug tracking devices can spot even wired CCTV cameras in the area. So the main problem is simply gone with these new-era bug trackers.

By: Dan Crane
Article Source: - Free Website Content

Basics of Blood Pressure

There are no hard and fast figures which represent a normal blood pressure. And very often doctors and other experts cannot even decide between them what an ideal blood pressure range is for an adult.

However it is usually agreed that somewhere between 110/70 and 125/80 is considered to be an average blood pressure for a grown person, though someone with naturally low blood pressure may be closer to a range of 100/60

A blood pressure of 140/90 is considered to be high, though as a person gets older, this falls into the more normal range for people.

Blood doesn't circulate in an even stream around the body, but travels in a constant series of spurts. Therefore the pressure peaks in the blood vessels just after a heart beat and then ebbs until the next one. This is a continuous process.

The two blood pressure figures represent the pressures when the forces are at their peak and at their lowest ebb. The stronger the arteries are, the more they resist the force of the blood and the lower the blood pressure.

As a person gets older, and the elasticity of their arteries weakens, the figures tend to rise. However the lower figure should still be under 90 until that person at least reaches their sixties.

Many studies looking at blood pressure in both black and white people have found there is a higher prevalence of hypertension (High blood pressure) in black people than there is in white. This has led to further research in determining whether this is racially determined or just based on socioeconomic and dietary factors.

Some people suffering high blood pressure may find they just can't pinpoint a cause for their problem. They may be fit, have a very healthy lifestyle yet their blood pressure remains consistently high for no apparent reason. This is called Primary or essential high blood pressure. However if the raised blood pressure is due to an underlying medical problem, it is known as Secondary High Blood Pressure.

Nearly one in four people in the Western world have high blood pressure. Many people don't appreciate it is a dangerous condition that can lead to a heart attack kidney failure or stroke if it is left untreated. Yet there are thousands of people unaware they have high blood pressure who are walking around with a lethal time bomb ticking away inside them.
By: Diana Statham

By: Diana Statham

Monday, 14 November 2011

GPS Cell Phone

The Global Positioning System (GPS) was funded, developed and controlled by the US Department of Defense. Since the late seventies, GPS has become an important aid to navigation around the world. Initially designed for the US military, GPS became publicly available years later and it is now considered an important feature in lots of consumer products.

How does GPS work? Well, basically there are three elements that make everything work: satellites, earth monitoring stations and receivers (ex: cell phone, telefone celular). GPS provides specially coded satellite signals that can be processed in a GPS receiver, enabling the receiver to compute position, velocity and time.Today, most cell phones (telefone celular) are not limited to carry on just a conversation. Features like mp3 player, digital camera and video camera have all become standards in the latest cell phone models. It is expected that the GPS feature will soon be added to this list, and it will offer the capability of tracking any cell phone user.The capability of tracking a cell phone user becomes important in emergency situations, like a car accident, thru the use of 911 emergency phone call, where every minute may be a matter of life or death. In situation like this, the GPS system may pinpoint the exact location of the road accident, enabling emergency services to be quickly dispatched.It is important to mention that so far most GPS system in cell phone (telefone celular) is restricted to tracking information only. However, one can have navigational capability thru the use of full screen cell phone/PDA combos with map displays and other cellular phone accessories, and third party paid services. If one does not want to sign up for a monthly paid subscription service, he can make use of one-time-paid-only software programs that will enable some of the navigational capabilities.Although there are many benefits in using GPS cell phones (telefone celular), there are some people who are concerned about the violation of personal privacy. Since the US Congress has not authorized location tracking without actual evidence of wrongdoing, there have been court hearings which have not approved the requests of government agencies in obtaining the cell phone GPS tracking information for suspects or ordinary citizens. This privacy matter has made some progress towards the cell phone user`s rights, since there are some laws that have been passed which guarantees that GPS cell phone users will have some protection from the release of the tracking information, with the exception of 911 emergency cell phone calls (telefone celular). It is expected that these laws will guarantee that the benefits of GPS in cell phones will be enjoyed by everyone without infringing anybody`s privacy.Sometimes when there is a technological innovation, there are also some concerns about privacy or some rights infringements. But no matter how much of a concern this is, it seems that a compromise will always have to be reached, so that new technologies will take their places in everyone`s lives. After all, we all live in a globalized consumer world. By the way, have you already got your GPS cell phone?

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Insomnia a Herbal Remedy

A herbal remedy for insomnia is probably the most popular herbal remedy reccomended in the western hemisphere today. With anything from 10 to 20 percent of the American adult population claiming to suffer from insomnia at any one time the search for relief is on. Notice I said relief. It should be stressed that only behavioral or psychologic techniques can actually cure insomnia, whereas prolonged use of sleeping pills can only result in dependency. Hence an insomnia herbal remedy is good!

There a large number of herbs that you may (and I say MAY) find helpful as a insomnia herbal remedy. Before testing any insomnia herbal remedy you should consult your Doctor or other Health Professional before self medicating. Lets face it most drugs are good and er bad.

I'll list some of the main insomnia herbal remedys here and add a few notes. Others insomnia herbal remedys are mentioned at great length in the books mentioned at the bottom of the article.

Essential oils are organic compounds that are extracted from various plant parts, including flowers, trees, herbs, spices. Essential oil compounds are found in the leaves, wood, resin, fruit, flower blossoms, roots and buds of the plant. Lots of Herbal remedies for insomnia can be used as essential oils.

Ginseng is the most famous Chinese herb and the most widely recognized plant used in traditional medicine. The main active ingredients of ginseng are the more than 25 saponin triterpenoid glycosides called "ginsenosides". These steroid-like ingredients provide the adaptogenic properties that enable ginseng to balance and counter the effects of stress. Benefits; to reduce the effects of stress, boost energy levels, assist with mental and body fatigue and maintains excellent body functions. An excellent Herbal Remedy for Insomnia. It hits all the targets.

Maca. Maca grows in volcanically enriched soils high up in the Peruvian Andes in a pure, unpolluted atmosphere. According to scientific research, Maca is amazingly rich in healthy amino acids, carbohydrates, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, including calcium, phosphorous, zinc, magnesium, iron, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B12, C and E. Benefits of Maca, Increases libido, Deeper sleep, Balances moods, Helps adapt to stress,Slows the aging process,Lessens aches and pain. This was a new one to me and as yet I haven't tried it as a insomnia herbal remedy. Any comments ?

Mushrooms promote good health and vitality and increase your body's adaptive abilities and are an effective insomnia herbal remedy. Mushrooms are probiotic meaning they fight off illness by restoring our bodies balance and natural resistance to disease through homeostasis. Natural mushroom supplements contain an active ingredient proven by research to be an incredibly effective enhancing agent to the immune system. Mushrooms are low in calories and high in vegetable proteins, chitin, iron, zinc, fiber, essential amino acids, vitamins & minerals. Hands up for mushrooms as a insomnia herbal remedy!

Extracts of (St John's wort) are now successfully competing for status as a standard antidepressant therapy. Great effort has been devoted to identifying the active antidepressant compounds in the extract. St John's wort is one of the best-investigated medicinal plants us as an insomnia herbal remedy. Researchers in Europe have studied St John's Wort for decades. They discovered a combination of elements in the plant, foremost of which is "hypericin", react with specific chemicals in the brain to temper emotional discomfort, lift depression, and calm the nerves. Working very much like the common synthetic prescription antidepressants (maprotiline hydrochloride and imipramine) and again a wonderful insomnia herbal remedy.

Yohimbe is a popular herb originally from South Africa and known worldwide as an excellent aphrodisiac. Traditionally yohimbe bark has been used to treat fevers, coughs, and leprosy. Often yohimbe tea was taken by warriors in preparation for battle. Yohimbe supplementation was also taken during fertility celebrations, mating and marriage rituals. It has been used as a topical anesthetic, and a hallucinogen when smoked.!! Yohimbe's most common, modern use is as a tonic and as a insomnia herbal remedy

Yohimbe is also known to reduce anxiety, elevate mood, and prevent heart attacks. Because it stimulates the central nervous system, it has been used to treat narcolepsy and weight loss, and has other positive effects on overall health such as a insomnia herbal remedy!

And we are out of space already just as the herbal remedies for insomnia have got into the swing of things. I hope I've given you a taster and will return to this theme in a further article.
Sleep Well

By :Philip Jubb

10 amazing stunts of science

E=mc2 is Wrong

Is Albert Einstein's Special Relativity incompatible with the very equations upon which science's greatest theory is built? New observations made by many scientists and engineers appear to contradict the great German scientist's ideas. Apparently there are implicit contradictions present within Relativity's foundational ideas, documents and equations. One individual has even pointed that quotations from the 1905 document and Einstein's contemporaries as well as interpretations of the Relativity equations clearly and concisely describe a confused and obviously erroneous theory. It is time therefore, for science to update its thinking on this theory with a comprehensive analysis of the history leading up to, during and after that revolutionary year of Special Relativity.

As this is the 100 year anniversary of the original release of Special Relativity, a review of the original assumptions, documents and ideas which led to the acceptance of this theory is timely and warranted. Every year millions of students are taught this theory without a critical analysis of Relativity. Relativity Theory consists of its two variants Special Relativity and General Relativity and is considered the cornerstone of modern physics.

Albert Einstein borrowed from the ideas of Fitzgerald, Lorentz and Voigt to create a new concept of the universe. His first work in this regard later came to be known as Special Relativity and contained many controversial ideas which today are considered axiomatic. Amongst these are Length Contraction, Time Dilation, the Twin Paradox and the equivalence of mass and energy summarized in the equation E=mc2.

This equation became the shining capstone of the new theory along with its first & second postulates, namely, that the laws of nature are the same from all perspectives and that the speed of light 'c' is constant in a vacuum regardless of perspective. Further, the theory also predicted an increase in mass with velocity. Numerous examples have been given of the 'proof' of the validity of Special Relativity.

Most notably, experiments using particle accelerators have sped particles to incredible velocities which apparently provide confirmation of Einstein's theory. However, doubts remain in the scientific community who have never totally given up the comfort of a Newtonian world view. This is readily apparent in that they refer to the Newton's 'Law' of Gravitation whilst Special Relativity (SR) and General Relativity (GR) are given the polite attribution 'The Theory of' or simply SR 'theory' and GR 'theory.' Einstein would continue working on the ideas of Special Relativity until producing the aforementioned even more controversial treatise.

In his later more comprehensive work called the Theory of General Relativity (1916), Einstein proposed a major re-thinking of cosmology. He conceived of a space time continuum that is curved by mass; in other words, planets, stars, galaxies and other stellar objects cause a curvature of space time. The movement of these objects are determined by the aforementioned curvature.

As a result of these ideas, our understanding of geometry, math, physics, science and the universe would never be the same. However, some scientists are reporting that speed of light is not constant from different experimental observations. One has even reported errors in the fundamental equations. If so, this would require a major rethinking of the known cosmological models and assumptions of modern physics.

By: Michael Strauss

Nuclear Fission and Nuclear Fusion

The term fissions means splitting into parts, thus nuclear fission means the splitting of nucleus of an atom that results in release of abundant amount of energy. it was once said by Einstein that the smallest part on earth contains biggest amount of energy. the release energy is used in creating electricity if processed slowly, but if it is set free it will explode as the atomic bomb explodes.
The nuclear energy is created in nuclear power plant, in nuclear power plant Uranium is used as the fuel. the Uranium is brought in shape of small pallets and loaded into long rods that are placed in the power plant’s reactor. in the reactor, the uranium atoms are split apart in the controlled chain reaction. these atoms are split in a controlled atmosphere, the  atoms in first region and broken particles continue to break other atoms in the reactor. these splitting reactions are controlled by the rods, so the reaction takes place moderately. the splitting of atoms can cause severe blast if not controlled, any how the bomb blasts needs specific amount and shape of this element to react which is not there in the reactor. Any how the splitting of atoms release heat and light energy. the heat energy causes the water to boil that is located in the core of the reactor.this heated water is then sent to other section of the plant where it goes through the heat exchanger and then sent to other set of pipes that carries water and releases steam. The steam in the second set turns the turbines and generates electricity. This electricity is then sent ot places where electricity is used.

This is how sun functions, it is the unison of Hydrogen and Helium atoms that releases heat and light and other radiation. When the fusion reaction takes place it releases energy. Scientists are already working to make fusion reaction be helpful in creating electricity but it is not yet possible to do in a specific premises. the best part is that it doesn’t release radioactive material as fission reaction does.

Global warming pictures

Hurricane Season. This horrifying scene is growing all too common: we can expect more and more hurricanes as climate change advances, especially in the Atlantic. This single grainy photo (which makes it even more difficult to look at) embodies some of the most palpable terrors of global warming–it could literally be responsible for destroying our homes.

Thanks to growing marine dead zones that are caused by global warming, there’s been a huge spike in dead sea life in recent years–and it often washes up on shore, providing us with an unsubtle reminder.

Hurricanes aren’t the only severe weather conditions that global warming stirs up—massive dust clouds like this one are becoming more frequent, and more violent, in regions like Southern Africa.

Here’s a huge waterfall spouting from the ice edge of Brasvell Glacier. No, glaciers in the Arctic aren’t supposed to do that. Glacial waterfalls like this one have been erupting with alarming frequency in Arctic regions–and is as good an image as any to wrap this slide show with. After all, when centuries-old chunks of ice start melting in the Arctic, it’s hard to deny we’ve got ourselves one hell of a problem.

Global Warming

What is global warming? Put simply, it is the belief that humans have caused the average temperatures on earth to increase by the adding of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by the burning of carbon-based fuels like petroleum, wood and coal.Result depletion in the ozone layer.
we found ozone hole over Antarctica this leads to melting glaciers.

Volcano Erupption

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Albert Einstein Biography

How the Earth was made...? Season-1

How the Earth was made...?

Har Gobind Khorana, Nobel Prize-winning biologist, dies at 89.


Milwaukee Journal Sentine

Har Gobind Khorana, who rose from poverty in a small village in the Punjab to become one of the giants of modern biology, winning the Nobel Prize in 1968 for work at the University of Wisconsin, Madison that helped unravel the genetic code and explain how proteins are made, died Wednesday in Concord, Mass. He was 89.
Almost anyone studying biology today, "they may not know they are studying Khorana, but they are," said Andy Greene, director of the biotechnology and bioengineering center at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
"He discovered a process that's fundamental to life."
In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick discovered the structure of DNA, the genetic material of living things, telling us where the information is held and what it looks like.
It was Khorana who showed how that genetic material is translated into the proteins that drive most human actions from thinking to breathing. This process is crucial to our understanding of disease.
Information in our DNA, Khorana showed, is read by something called transfer RNA and used to make proteins. Defective proteins are at the heart of many illnesses.
Khorana was awarded the 1968 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine (jointly with Robert W. Holley and Marshall W. Nirenberg) for his discoveries at UW, but the recognition did not signal the end of his groundbreaking work, as it does for many recipients. After moving to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1970, the professor worked with colleagues to synthesize two genes crucial to building proteins.
In 1976, his team synthesized the first completely functional man-made gene in a living cell, important work that paved the way for genetic engineering.
"That entire (development) is based on Gobind's chemistry," said Aseem Ansari, professor of biochemistry and genomics at UW. "Gobind was my inspiration."
As a young man, Ansari read some of Khorana's groundbreaking papers and found himself changed by them.
"His papers were so profound. It was a revelation," he recalled Friday. "You could actually wrestle with nature and wrest away some truths."
In the mid- to late 1990s Ansari, then a post-doctoral fellow at Harvard, met Khorana in an elevator. The young post-doc found himself tongue-tied in the presence of the great scientist.
Finally, the younger man regained his voice.
"I told him his work on biology changed my life," Ansari said. "I was going to do something else. But I was so impressed with the intellectual and scientific elegance of his work that I decided to pursue science instead."
Most remarkably, Khorana had started life in distinctly humble circumstances. Born in 1922, he was the youngest of five children, his father a poor village agricultural clerk.
His father was dedicated to education and Khorana earned a master's degree in science from Punjab University in Lahore. He left India in 1945, studying in Liverpool, then in Zurich, working for the British Columbia Research Council and eventually landing a job at UW in the biochemistry department.
In a long career that ended with his retirement from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2007, Khorana gained a reputation as an intense, yet humble man who set high standards for his students.
One story Ansari heard concerned a practice Khorana sometimes followed in his lab at MIT. According to legend, Khorana used to bring doughnuts to the lab. He knew the specific favorites of each post-doc and by observing which ones were missing on Monday he could tell who had come to work on the weekend.
In his honor, Ansari and Prof. Kenneth Shapiro established the Khorana Scholars Program at UW in 2007, a student exchange program between the university and Indian research institutions. In 2009, Khorana returned to UW for the last time when the university recognized his contribution to science with a symposium that attracted three other Nobel winners and 30 members of the National Academy of Sciences.
Khorana wrote back to the university after the symposium and the dedication of the Khorana Biochemistry Auditorium. He said, "these acts of kindness ... were truly overwhelming."
His note ended:
I wish you all success and good health.

Contact Lenses Medicate Eyes

A new medical invention has been created by scientists at Harvard Medical School.
The new invention is a contact lens that can dispense a regular dose of antibiotics to your eye for more than a month.
A biodegradable polymer film is mixed with a medication (antibiotic) and coated with hydrogel, which is the same material used to make contact lenses.

The film slowly releases the medication into the eye at a rate of 134 micrograms each day for 30 days.
Eye drops are used to dispense most eye medications but they are inefficient. Only about 1 to 7 percent of eye drop medications are absorbed into the eye because most of it drips out.
Patients find eye drops cumbersome and often forget to take them, which is why scientists believe this new medical invention will dispense eye medication more easily and effectively.



Batteries That Operate With Any Liquid

Chungpin Liao, a professor at the Graduate School of Electro-Optic and Material Science of National Formosa University in Taiwan has invented an organic battery that creates electricity when wet.
The "organic" battery generates a charge within 10 seconds and will last anywhere from two days to a week depending on the liquid. It works with water, beverages or even urine.
Although it will only produce half the strength of traditional batteries, the organic battery has a storage capacity greater than water-powered fuel cells and is very cheap to manufacture.
"Plus it contains no toxic substances and does not pose an environmental hazard" says Chungpin.
Liao received his degree in nuclear engineering from National Tsing Hua University in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He earned his Masters and Ph.D degrees in plasma science and fusion technology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, United States.


Building Human Organs

Oganovo is a company based in San Diego, California.
Their latest science invention is a technology (novogen) which allows living tissue cells to be assembled into patterns and complex structures, such as organs.
Organovo has partnered with Invetech. a company based in Australia, to develop a bio-printer.
The device prints (places) human cells in a three-dimensional matrix to construct human tissue.
"Building human organs cell-by-cell was considered science fiction not that long ago," says Fred Davis of Invetech.
Currently, the bio-printer can grow blood vessels.
It is anticipated that within five years the device will construct arteries and by 2020 sophisticated organs will be built by the device.

Photo: Organovo