Sunday 4 December 2011

Osteoarthritis causes and Prevention

  • Osteoarthritis is a bone disorder in which ligaments (tough band of connective tissues ) are eroded due to rough use.
  • When preventive pad (ligaments) is gone then the bones start corroding.
  • It is very painful for the patient to perform the daily task.
Causes: There are various factors which causes osteoarthritis are
  • In 60 % cases osteoarthritis causes due to heredity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, incorrect sitting postures and poor dietary are also responsible for its high incidence.
  • Abnormal anatomy such as unequal limbs by birth or later in life can also develop osteoarthritis.
  • Avoid junk food.
  • The joints should not be subjected to sudden jerks and physical overload.
  • Incorrect exercise.
  • Players of sportsperson must wear joint guards.

Smart Pedometer

These pedometer monitors every step throughout the day, you taken. Whether you are in a office, jogging in the park or walking around the house. Its an mini pedometer which keeps track of how much fat you are burning off in grams and it is also a calorie management device. It also calculate the walking time, distance and even number of steps you took.Clip it to your cloths or put it in your pocket and you will get all information.It is light weight and available in five colors.
Price in India  Approx  6,074 INR.

Friday 18 November 2011

Eggs are useful to stay alert at work

Eggs have  protein found in the white , can help one stay awake and feel alert at work. Eggs protein are much more effective than carbohydrate found in the chocolates.The Researcher at Cambridge university found that the nutrients affect the brain cell that keep us awake are similar to the protein content of egg.The egg protein activated this cells and triggering the release of the stimulant orexin. The type of cholesterol found in eggs has minimal effect on raising the risk of heart disease.

Rifle with camera

This rifle is invented by Matthew Hagerty, it includes camera positioned with back of rifle. It works as a third eye. with the help of this camera soldier can see corner and back without putting themselves on a line of fire and a small or tiny display monitor gives the video images on the glass of the soldier. The tiny monitor receives video transmission from the small computer which is attached to the vest of the soldier. Weight of the whole device is 3 pounds.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

Marine Friendly Tidal Energy Turbine


 W. Scott Anderson invented an marine friendly tidal energy turbine. By profession he is an industrial engineer. It has a spiral –shaped device that has tapered ends. When the current spins the auger, it induces a hydraulic pump in the nosecone of the device to pump high pressure oil that turns a generator outside of the water. The tampered ends of device not harm fishes in water. In comparison to the other costly windmill turbines that converts tidal energy into electricity harmless to marine life.

Respiratory System

 The respiratory is the anatomical system in organism. In this system gases molecules of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchanged through diffusion between the gaseous external environment and the blood.

Respiratory system divided into two parts.
1. Upper respiratory tract.
2. Lower respiratory tract.

Parts of upper respiratory tracts

1.Mouth, nose, nasal cavity.
2. Pharynx.
3. Larynx.

Parts of lower respiratory tracts

1. Trachea
2. Bronchi.
3. Bronchioles
4. Alveoli
5. Diaphragm

Air is full of harmful substance and chemicals. It includes mold, fungi, dust bacteria and pollutants. Particles only 3 to 5 microns in size reach in deep lungs. There are various ways to protect the respiratory system against the harmful particles. The particles travel through mouth and airways where the tiny hairs are located. These tiny hairs are called cilia. Those unwanted particles reach to digestive system through mouth kills by the digestive fluid of the stomach. If unwanted substances do reach the lungs, there are also little mobile cells, called phagocytes, which defend your respiratory tract. If unwanted particles such as virus or an infection is present then body release more white blood cells, including neutrophils which destroy the unwanted particles in the lungs.

Rare meteorite found in Missouri

A rare meteorite found in Missouri in 2006. Meteroite is  space rock. The 19 other pallasite had been found by the united state before the meteorite. Space rock as a rare type of pallasite meteorite is first identified by the geochemist Randy Korotev of Washington University in St. Louis with his colleagues.